Varian Danasatya
Airlangga University
Pahamify sangat peduli akan mental health dan kesejahteraan karyawannya.
Muhammad Faisal Aziz
Bandung Institute of Technology
My work in Pahamify has been so fun and challenging, as we are currently growing in this high paced industry. I am so happy that we can deliver a platform to improve the learning process for our Pahamifrens.
Beatrix Monica Widjaja
University College London
If I recall my decision to join Pahamify, one thing promised to me that most significantly encouraged me to be where I am today was the opportunity to explore and innovate, to make a greater impact on society. Here I learn how to build my team from the ground up, design a program that gives the most benefits to the students, and the biggest capacity development for the teachers.
Ilham Bintang
Bina Nusantara University
I am so happy for being a part of #PahamiCrew by entrusted to dedicate my whole skill and knowledge to contribute. Even though we never met in person because of the pandemic, it did not affect how we interact with each other. Especially for the Engineering and Product team.
Arnetta Dwi Muliani
Multimedia Nusantara University
Pahamify is the greatest place to learn and grow. As a fresh-graduate, I feel accepted and appreciated by everyone in the company. They're all really nice and helpful. Thank you Pahamify!
Rienesa Darmawan
Telkom University
Being a part of Pahamify allows me to grow and meet new things with talented, open-minded young people. The process is also flexible and fun because teammates are helping each other.
Fatmasari Putri
University of Indonesia
Kerja di Pahamify seru banget karena aku bisa ngembangin skill yang sudah aku punya sekaligus belajar hal-hal baru. Pahamify juga selalu memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawannya!
Bimo Maliki
SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong
Working in Pahamify is such a blast experience. Enjoyable environment combined with fun people, yet still challenging. A great place to grow. I'm so glad to be part of the crew.
Vito Rizki Imanda
Institut Pertanian Bogor
Sebuah kehormatan untuk bisa join Pahamify sejak Juli 2019. Setelah mengikuti sepak terjang perusahaan dan I thought about choosing STAY in the end adalah pilihan yang tepat. Selain itu, banyak banget improvement in terms of skill set as engineer and critical thinking ketika bekerja di sini.
Iqbal Kautsar
Institut Kesenian Jakarta
Pahamify adalah startup perpaduan edukasi, teknologi dan seni menurut saya. Tiap harinya selalu ada hal baru yang menantang untuk dikerjakan dan dieksplor. Menyenangkan bisa bekerja di kantor yang dinamis ini.